Other Festivities
Carnival - Karneval/Fasching/Fasnacht
This is like the “last fling“ before Lent. There are many parties and big parades, especially in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz.
November 11 - St. Martin’s Day / “Lichterfest”
A day all young children look forward to. Every parish and/or Kindergarten has a parade in the early evening where the children carrying lanterns walk through the streets singing songs about St. Martin. Often there is also a bonfire. In some regions, small groups of children ring the door bells and sing for you after the official parade is over. They are given sweets, chocolates, apples etc. as a reward. The tradition for the adults is Martinsgans, roasted goose with red cabbage and dumplings.
Advent - The four weeks before Christmas are the time for the traditional Christmas markets, baking Plätzchen (the traditional Christmas cookies) and decorating the house for the festive season. The four Sundays of Advent are celebrated by lighting the candles on the Advent wreath, starting with the first candle on 1st Advent and lighting an additional one on each of the following Sundays.